BG Musings

Top Tips to Use ChatGPT for Brand Building

Top Tips to Use ChatGPT for Brand Building

Explore Betancourt Group’s latest blog post to discover top tips on how to use AI tool ChatGPT for brand building. Learn how content creation, brainstorming, customer interaction simulations, market research, and crisis communication can all be enhanced with this innovative technology. Dive into the future of PR and marketing with us today!

Purpose Marketing vs. Cause Marketing: Understanding the Differences

Purpose Marketing vs. Cause Marketing: Understanding the Differences

Discover the differences between purpose marketing and cause marketing, two strategies that focus on promoting social and environmental issues. Learn how purpose marketing builds brand loyalty through values alignment, while cause marketing is a targeted approach that supports a specific cause. Understand which approach is best for your brand and goals.

What is Green Hushing?

What is Green Hushing?

A Fast Company article titled What is ‘green hushing’? The new negative sustainability trend, explained  recently caught our attention. The article explains the practice of “green hushing,” which refers to the deliberate silence of companies about their sustainability...